Friday, October 3, 2008

Review: Ki-Squared

Kiki Cunningham of Ki-Squared sent over a few things for me to review. I was absolutely thrilled to receive them. Ki-Squared is in the adorable Lloyd sim, if you haven't been out there (which I'm sure you have, unless you've been living under a SL rock). There's so many cool things to see and discover, if you're like me, you'll spend just as much time exploring as shopping!

Her latest release are the Basic Heels. These simple sculpted pumps are available in 10 colors for $200 L each, or for $1500 L you can get the texture-change version (which includes all colors). What an amazingly cool idea. That way you don't have a different pair of pumps in each color cluttering up your inventory. The other added bonus is that they shoes are copy/mod so you can tint them to match ALL your outfits! Talk about a pair of heels you can wear with anything! I've shown the heels in every color offered, except black, brown and tan.

Another really cool thing she sent over was the Dark Queen Costume. The costume comes with dress, adorable crown, skin, and other assorted little goodies. If you're looking for an awesome costume for that halloween party you're attending, this is definately an outfit to consider. The skin is perfect, and I just love the little crown.

Kiki also has a new dollarbie in her store (she updates once a week), and this weeks dollarbie is a skin. So don't forget to head over to check that out.

If you have time this weekend, head over to Lloyd and check out Ki-Squared!

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